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  • B
    BikingBud reacted to didds's post in the thread Bath vs Saracens with Like Like.
    There's the rub. 30 years of changed ruck laws has created a mess at these elite levels where the ruxck is rarely anything like a...
  • B
    Interestingly the referee's first reaction was to go to his pocket and then remove it. Looked a yellow card to me but, we all make...
  • T
    tim White reacted to didds's post in the thread Bath vs Saracens with Like Like.
    There's the rub. 30 years of changed ruck laws has created a mess at these elite levels where the ruxck is rarely anything like a...
  • didds
    me neither.
  • didds
    didds replied to the thread unusual line out move.
    yeah - bit iffy having a knee on the ground before the ball arrives but would you penalise a stumnbled player in a back line move that...
  • didds
    didds reacted to Jz558's post in the thread unusual line out move with Like Like.
    Im all for inovative line out moves but going to ground before playing the ball doesnt half limit your upside.
  • didds
    didds replied to the thread Bath vs Saracens.
    There's the rub. 30 years of changed ruck laws has created a mess at these elite levels where the ruxck is rarely anything like a...
  • S
    smeagol replied to the thread Bath vs Saracens.
    This - the 'use it' law does not say anything about the defense not being allowed to counter-ruck once the call is made. As long as it...
  • D
    Decorily replied to the thread Bath vs Saracens.
    Why prevent a legal contest by Blue just because you've called 'use it'?
  • V
    Volun-selected replied to the thread Bath vs Saracens.
    I guess it’s a trade off because we want to encourage a contest for the ball and also to keep the game moving, but generally the laws...
  • J
    Jz558 reacted to Volun-selected's post in the thread unusual line out move with Like Like.
    Also puts you under pressure to release the ball with your opponent over the top of you and ready to jackel. No support, turnover. Hold...
  • V
    After the fact … had a mixed 15s and 7s college tournament this past Sunday. 6 pitches and a whole team of refs so got to be in the...
  • J
    JuDS replied to the thread Bath vs Saracens.
    I understand that. This was introduced to speed up the game at the top level, especially. So if the ball is available to be played and...
  • V
    Volun-selected replied to the thread unusual line out move.
    Also puts you under pressure to release the ball with your opponent over the top of you and ready to jackel. No support, turnover. Hold...
  • V
    Volun-selected replied to the thread Bath vs Saracens.
    We call use it because the ball is available and needs to be played. If anything happens in that 5s that stops the ability to play then...