Whostheref watch app


Referees in America
Jan 23, 2022
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Current Referee grade:
Level 10
I was complaining about whostheref in another thread, but I’m curious if anyone has purchased/used their “Rugby Watch” app?
They are billing it as an all-in-one for managing/recording time, score, and cards while refereeing. I’d be interested to know how complete, user friendly, and reliable it is.


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Referees in England
Dec 20, 2018
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SE London/Kent
Current Referee grade:
Level 10
Yes I use it every week.

It is great for good game management. There are, however a couple of things I would like them to improve (I keep meaning to email the developers if that will do any good). So far it is very reliable and I haven't had it crash once.
  • The clock resets to 00:00 at half time. I'd like this to count up from 40 (or whatever the half length is set to)
  • No ability for extra time. This could become an issue towards the end of the season when it is Cup season
  • An indication on the main page that I have a yellow card in play. It is on a seperate screen
  • A reminder vibration 1 min before a half is about to end so I just get a nudge that we are coming to the end of a half
  • Vibration alerts could be stronger. They are quite weak at the moment and can be missed. Critical for say YC or end of half
  • Log my stats into my fitness and tracking apps so I can at least prove that I have moved that day (by not having it does save battery life though)
The first 2 are the big ones for me. When I am logging a yellow or, heaven forbid, a red, I need to know the time on the clock rather than do mental maths to add 40 on etc, I have enough on my plate. I also don't want to have to be delving into my settings at full time in a cup comp because at FT the score is 3-3.

Overall though, I do like it. Gives me a running score, keeps tabs on YC and who has had one in the game already. I can access a history timeline, very useful when the captains ask the score and how many tries were scored to log with the league. Also has shot clocks for Pens and Convs. That is extremely useful. Also I can adjust the score easily if I have made a mistake, like forgotten about a conversion that I then notice on my score card.

I'll continue to use it as my main time keeping device, just hope the get around to adding the 5 points above. Ten I think it would be perfect. If you have any questions fire them at me. Happy to give more insight. Hopefully WTR will read this post

Phil E

Referees in England
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Jan 22, 2008
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I use it every week and have done all through its beta testing.
I have had several watch apps and this is definitely the best one.
Well worth the measly cost.

I have the clock count down, so the 40 min thing doesn't bother me.
If I have a cup game and it goes to extra time I would jot down the scores (although they are saved in the history), setup a new game with 10 minute halves and then adjust the scores. Just tried it and it took me about 15 seconds to do.
One quick swipe to check the time left on a yellow card, which is only going to happen when the balls dead, so not an inconvenience.
Try fiddling with the vibration settings on your watch and phone, I found slowing them down makes them stronger.

The developers have always been open to suggestions and many of the ones I made in the beta phase were added.


Referees in England
Dec 20, 2018
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SE London/Kent
Current Referee grade:
Level 10
I use it every week and have done all through its beta testing.
I have had several watch apps and this is definitely the best one.
Well worth the measly cost.

I have the clock count down, so the 40 min thing doesn't bother me.
If I have a cup game and it goes to extra time I would jot down the scores (although they are saved in the history), setup a new game with 10 minute halves and then adjust the scores. Just tried it and it took me about 15 seconds to do.
One quick swipe to check the time left on a yellow card, which is only going to happen when the balls dead, so not an inconvenience.
Try fiddling with the vibration settings on your watch and phone, I found slowing them down makes them stronger.

The developers have always been open to suggestions and many of the ones I made in the beta phase were added.
Totally agree Phil, and they are not a "100% must have or I can't use it". I use it everyweek without issue. They would just be nice to haves, saves faff which is what an app should be able to do. I used an app before called RefWatch (not the one you find on the appstore now, it is not supported anymore) and it had all of these functions but was clunky to start and stop time. Involved a forced press which wasn't always successful. Also didn't have shot clock. The vibrations in that app seemed spot on as well and I've not chaged any setting. I'll have a look and see if there is something I can change but sounds like that could be the solution.

I'll also get around to pinging the devs, The count up 40 and extra time would be a good development

Oh and also agree, worth the money, 100%. Takes a whole load of hassle out of your mind during a game managing scores and YC etc

Phil E

Referees in England
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Jan 22, 2008
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Level 8
I used an app before called RefWatch (not the one you find on the appstore now, it is not supported anymore)

Yes I used that and still have it on my phone.
It did crash on me a couple of times, which the WTR App has never done.

I still keep a paper record as a backup.
Very occasionally in very heavy rain the touch screen on my watch does strange things.


Referees in England
Dec 20, 2018
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SE London/Kent
Current Referee grade:
Level 10
Always have that paper back up, oh and the spare watch on the other wrist. You just never know...


Referees in England
Sep 14, 2009
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I still keep a paper record as a backup.

Always have that paper back up, oh and the spare watch on the other wrist. You just never know...
this is what makes me think - what's the point of the app - if you are keeping the paper record anyway, isn't that just more to do?

But regardless of that, I can't see a watch screen clearly enough without my glasses on - so no app for me I fear :-(

(I can see the time, because that's nice and big and it's the only thing on my watch screen)


Referees in England
Dec 20, 2018
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SE London/Kent
Current Referee grade:
Level 10
If I'm honest, it takes a bit of pressure off. YC, don't need check when the 10mins is up. Watch will tap me on the wrist to tell me, also keeps tabs on which player and nubmer got carded. Have the score at a glance. Does shot clock. I just find it a better layout to a simple timer. All there on my wrist. My paper copy is now my back up.

Phil E

Referees in England
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Jan 22, 2008
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Level 8
this is what makes me think - what's the point of the app - if you are keeping the paper record anyway, isn't that just more to do?

Keeps track of penalty count, shows me the score at a glance (without having to count it up)
Reminds me of yellow cards, shot clock.

Same as DocP


Referees in England
Sep 14, 2009
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Keeps track of penalty count,
that's interesting - how does that work ? like how many clicks/swipes to add a PK? can you do it without looking? (or does it involve navigating menus)

Phil E

Referees in England
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Jan 22, 2008
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Level 8
that's interesting - how does that work ? like how many clicks/swipes to add a PK? can you do it without looking? (or does it involve navigating menus)

Tap on the penalty button for the team in question, takes a fraction of a second.



Referees in England
Mar 10, 2020
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Current Referee grade:
Level 15 - 11
I've seen posts that an Android WearOS version is complete and ready to be launched, but I don't think it is out yet.

However, I've been using this app on my Samsung watch since March:

Honestly, I can't find a fault in it. It was buggy earlier this year, but after providing feedback to the developer, I've since tested several builds and provided input, and I think it now offers 99% of what you want/need.

It keeps track of clocks, scores, penalties, including player number for each event, handles extra time, several defaults formats (10 a side, beach, etc) and custom for kids game, for example. At the end of the game it saves a match report on the watch and syncs it to your phone. You can also setup your match info on the phone (easier with bigger screen) and then sync it with the watch app.

Phil E

Referees in England
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Jan 22, 2008
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Level 8
At the end of the game it saves a match report on the watch and syncs it to your phone. You can also setup your match info on the phone (easier with bigger screen) and then sync it with the watch app.

This is the bit the WTR App doesn't do, although you can screen shot your watch at the end to keep a record.
However they say that the WTR App will feed back into WTR eventually and record everything in there against the appointment.

The Android version is going through testing, as is the Garmin version I think?


Referees in England
Mar 10, 2020
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Current Referee grade:
Level 15 - 11
This is the bit the WTR App doesn't do, although you can screen shot your watch at the end to keep a record.
However they say that the WTR App will feed back into WTR eventually and record everything in there against the appointment.

The Android version is going through testing, as is the Garmin version I think?
The WTR app for Android will need to be exceptional to persuade me to switch.

The only thing I've identified as being unique to the WTR app (on Apple Watch) is the GPS heat map feature... is that actually useful? Does it also accurately GPS tag where you where on the field when you awarded a penalty, for example? Is this actually useful?


Referees in England
Sep 14, 2009
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Next week. .


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Referees in America
Jan 23, 2022
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Current Referee grade:
Level 10
I appreciate all the feedback. I’ll probably purchase the app today before my game tomorrow, haha…🙃


Referees in England
Sep 2, 2013
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Current Referee grade:
Level 8
This is the bit the WTR App doesn't do, although you can screen shot your watch at the end to keep a record.
However they say that the WTR App will feed back into WTR eventually and record everything in there against the appointment.

The Android version is going through testing, as is the Garmin version I think?

I’d be intrigued by the Garmin version, the Field Hockey app does all of the above currently apart from cards - main reason I don’t use the Apple Watch (and why I stopped writing my own) was it stops working in heavy rain, and no app can fix that.


Referees in England
Sep 14, 2009
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I’d be intrigued by the Garmin version, the Field Hockey app does all of the above currently apart from cards - main reason I don’t use the Apple Watch (and why I stopped writing my own) was it stops working in heavy rain, and no app can fix that.
I have to admit, though, that my pencil and paper solution doesn't cope all that well in heavy rain either :-(


Referees in England
Sep 2, 2013
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Current Referee grade:
Level 8
I have to admit, though, that my pencil and paper solution doesn't cope all that well in heavy rain either :-(

True, but only once has that failed me, a pocket full of paper mache, and thankfully an age grade game